Tuesday, September 15, 2009

WH Blog Assignment #21

Hey WH Students,

Here is your next blog assignment:

1. Go to http://www.salariya.com/web_books/mummy/index.html. You need to scroll through the following sections on the site: Introduction, Dead?, Organs Removed, Get Stuffed, Tomb Bound, Coffins Etc, Your Funeral, and Eternal Rest?

2. Answer the following questions from each Section:
a. "Introduction" - Ancient Egyptian history spans how many centuries? What did the people believe Pharaoh was? How did they "achieve immortality"?
b. "Dead" - What was embalming? Who did the embalming? What role did linen, your body, the priest, natron salt, canopic jars, tools, and oils play in the embalming process?
c. "Organs Removed" - Which organs were removed? What did they do with them?
d. "Get Stuffed" - What does "Get Stuffed" refer to? What did they stuff you with?
e. "Tomb Bound" - What did they do to get your body ready for the tomb? What was involved in bandaging the body? What might be placed in your tomb if you were rich?
f. "Coffins Etc" - Tell me about Ancient Egyptian coffins. What went in the coffins with the body? What went in the tomb with the coffin?
g. "Your Funeral" - What did an Ancient Egyptian funeral look like? Tell me about the procession.
h. "Eternal Rest" - Tell me about tomb raiders. What do they do and what do they want?

3. Each person in your group should post 1 paragraph about this assignment to your blog. What did you learn? What didn't you know before? What stuck out to you visually?

Have fun!
Ms. M

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