Friday, October 30, 2009

Chapter 9/10 Test (Open Notes/Book)

WH Students,

Good morning! Below you will find your Chapter 9/10 test instructions. This is open notes/open book. It is worth 100 pts. It must be posted by the end of class. You may work with your blog partners. Publish ONE test for each group to your blog.

1) Complete the following from the Chapter 9 Review, page 151.
a. People (#1-33 every other odd)
b. Terms (all)
c. Chapter Concepts (#4)

2) Complete the following from the Chapter 10 Review, page 159.
a. People (#1, 3, 5, 10)
b. Places (#1, 3)
c. Terms (#1, 3, 4)
d. Chapter Concepts (#1)

3) Make sure you have finished blog assignments #34 and #35. This is worth 50 pts and is due by Saturday @ midnight.

Happy Friday, and have a great weekend!
Ms. M

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

WH Blog Assignment #35

Hey WH Students,

After you finish blog assignment #34, get started on this on:

1) Complete Chapter 9 Section Review 2 plus Identify on page 147
2) Post this to your blog
3) Complete Chapter 9 Section Review 3 plus Identify on page 150
4) Post this to your blog

Happy Tuesday,
Ms. M

Monday, October 26, 2009

WH Blog Assignment #34

Hey WH Students,

Here is your blog assignment today:

2) Click on "Restricted Nations"
3) Answer the following questions:
What does "restricted nations" refer to?
Where are most restricted nations?
Give me the names of 6 restricted nations and tell me why they are restricted.
4) Click on "About VOM".
5) In your own words, tell me what VOM is.
6) Navigate the website to find out where VOM offices are stationed around the world.
7) How can you help?
8) Who founded VOM?
9) Search,, and for religious persecution. Find 5 stories about this topic. Post a 1-paragraph summary about each, the headline of the story, and the story link to your blog.
10) Google "christian persecution". Post the first 5 links that come up to your blog.
11) How is the internet being used to help stop Christian persecution globally?
Post this information to your blog.

Happy Monday!
Ms. M

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

WH Blog Assignment #33

Hey WH Students,

Here is your blog assignment for 10/21/09 AFTER you finish your test:

1) Complete SR 1 page 143 plus identify
2) Post answers to your blog
3) Find 5 pictures online of papyrus fragments of the New Testament. (for an example see page 142 in your textbook)
4) Post each to your blog. Be sure to label them.

Happy Wednesday,
Ms. M

Thursday, October 15, 2009

WH Blog Assignment #32 (Pioneer Day)

Hey WH Students,

Here is your blog assignment for today, 10/15/09:

1) Complete Chapter 8 Section Review 1 plus Identify (p.125) and Chapter 8 Section Review 2 plus Identify (p.130). Post your answers to your blog.
3) Explain each of the following sections in 2-3 sentences:
a. Your Fate Awaits
b. Gotcha!
c. Sold!
d. Oh No!
e. Who's who
f. Fight
g. Ouch!
h. It's over!

Happy Friday!
Ms. M

Monday, October 5, 2009

WH Blog Assignment #31

Hey WH Students,

Here is your next blog assignment:

1) Complete Chapter 7 Section Review 2 page 109, plus Identify
2) Complete Chapter 7 Section Review 3 page 112, plus Identify
2) Post your answers to your blog.

Ms. M

Thursday, October 1, 2009

WH Blog Assignment #30

Hey WH Students,

Here is your next blog assignment:

1) Surf the web for information about Ancient Greece.

2) Tell me about life in Ancient Greece, including:
a. Family Life
b. Clothing
c. Food
d. Entertainment
e. Military
f. Government
g. Social Life
h. Education

3) Post this information to your blog. Each topic should have a picture to accompany it. Post the pictures to your blog as well.

Have fun!
Ms. M