Monday, October 26, 2009

WH Blog Assignment #34

Hey WH Students,

Here is your blog assignment today:

2) Click on "Restricted Nations"
3) Answer the following questions:
What does "restricted nations" refer to?
Where are most restricted nations?
Give me the names of 6 restricted nations and tell me why they are restricted.
4) Click on "About VOM".
5) In your own words, tell me what VOM is.
6) Navigate the website to find out where VOM offices are stationed around the world.
7) How can you help?
8) Who founded VOM?
9) Search,, and for religious persecution. Find 5 stories about this topic. Post a 1-paragraph summary about each, the headline of the story, and the story link to your blog.
10) Google "christian persecution". Post the first 5 links that come up to your blog.
11) How is the internet being used to help stop Christian persecution globally?
Post this information to your blog.

Happy Monday!
Ms. M

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