Monday, November 9, 2009

WH Blog Assignment #37

Hey WH Students,

Here is your Chapter 12 Study Guide. Be familiar with the following terms/people for your Chapter 12 Test on Wednesday. Complete this study guide and post your answers to your blog for 25 points:

  1. feudalism
  2. fief
  3. lord
  4. vassal
  5. knight
  6. chivalry
  7. heraldry
  8. castle
  9. joust
  10. tournament
  11. manor
  12. serf
  13. Truce of God
  14. Peace of God
  15. burg
  16. middle class
  17. trade fair
  18. guild
  19. black death
  20. Chaucer
  21. trivium
  22. quadrivium
  23. scholasticism
  24. Brethren of the Common Life
  25. humanism
  26. patron
  27. Sistine Chapel
  28. Medicis
  29. Thomas Aquinas
  30. William of Ockham
  31. John Wycliffe
  32. John Huss
  33. Gerhard Groote
  34. Dante
  35. Petrarch
  36. Bocaccio
  37. Michelangelo
  38. Flanders
  39. Machiavelli
  40. Giotto
  41. DaVinci
  42. Prague

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