Monday, August 17, 2009

WH Blog Assignment #3

Hey Students,

Heads up - you will probably need to watch the National Geographic video on Iraq at home since our speakers don't work in the classroom (unless you bring headphones). Remember, post the questions and answers in YOUR blog :)

Here is your next assignment, due by Saturday, 8/22 at midnight:

2. Describe what's going on in the IRAQ photos. (Don't look @ the caption! Put it in your own words):
Photo 1?
Photo 2?
Photo 3?
Photo 4?
Photo 5?

3. Click on "MAP". What 4 bodies of water surround the Middle East?

4. Go to Search for "Mesopotamia". Find 10 photos related to Sumer/Mesopotamia and post them on your blog. It might be pictures of Mesopotamian artifacts, etc... (Tip: There's a lot of Mesopotamian art in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC)

Have fun!
Ms. M

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